Swimming For Babies Arequipa Near Me

AQUABEBE Escuela de Nataci贸n Mistiano Alexander Pool Santa Rosa


1. AQUABEBE - Sachaca

路 5 reviews

Brasil 419, Arequipa 04013, Peru

Address WhatsApp
AQUABEBE: what do users think?
JOHN alcocer ayala: Very good.
Guillermo Sebastian Zevillanos Nu帽ez: Brilliant

2. Escuela de Nataci贸n Mistiano Alexander - Arequipa



路 4 reviews

04001, Arequipa, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
Escuela de Nataci贸n Mistiano Alexander: what do users think?
Maria Fernanda Cangre Ortiz: Excellent service 馃槈 recommended.
DEYSI GIOVANA: Good swimming academy, my little sister learned to swim there, teachers with very good treatment.
Christian Gutierrez: A lot of patience with the big and small ones who are just starting out, also demanding with those who compete
Jackeline Juliana Rodriguez Paco: Excellent.
Ramiro Urday: Good teachers to teach swimming to children
Romel Ross: I asked and they told me that the pool is not for the public, only for those who are registered for swimming classes
gustavo sutta: Open the showers :'(
Carlos Al谩: It works well
Liliana Paredes Velasquez: You pay 10 soles for the entrance, good dressing rooms, the water is not very clear, but season, and it is 1.65 deep for me, I am 1.60 cm, it covers my mouth, you have to know how to swim.
Carlos Aguirre: They are the best teachers to teach swimming at any age.
Su Yin Herrera: The pool is very good, they follow all the protocols for Covid. and teaching well

3. Pool Santa Rosa - Cerro Colorado

路 212 reviews

Sta. Rosa de Lima, Arequipa 04017, Peru

Address WhatsApp
Pool Santa Rosa: what do users think?
Romel Ross: It never opened again :/ and I liked to go
noelia ree esquivel: google: opentruth: closed
An铆bal Abarca: It is not open
reguera toledo: La piscine est ferm茅e
Marlene Davila: closed pool
teropodo41: The water must be changed every two to three months, the surface of the water must be cleaned 5 to 6 times a day, SUBSTANCES MUST BE ADDED THAT MANIFEST BY COLOR CHANGES, MAKE THE OFFENDER PAY FOR THE WATER REPLACEMENT. I am a doctor
Javier Murillo S: It is located in a quiet area
Miguel Angel Carpio Espinoza: I went the third week of October 2020, it still doesn't work due to a pandemic.
Rocio Samanez: Well maintained, clean and hygienic. Semi-tempered.
Jenny Rocio Caicedo Dorado: Improve pool temperature
Fidel MadHawk Maima Lazo: excellent place to swim
Moreno Flore: It is a very clean, totally hygienic pool. I understand that in summer there are workshops for adults and children. I am not very sure about the cost last year when I enrolled a friend of mine, it cost me 35 soles for 1 month. The teacher who was assigned to him was a A person who is very dedicated to his work, my friend learned everything there is to know to be able to swim. The following month after I enrolled him, they all became an expert. Now he is a tadpole and he doesn't want to get out of the water hahahaha as for individuals, I think they can pay I am not sure if it is separate from the pool or from the municipality to access, but it can be accessed by individuals. Recommended
Felix Juan Quiroz Santos: A warm place with warm water
wilder bedoya: Good facilities are observed
alexis silva: Nice but a little cold the water to be tempered
Liliana Garcia: I have been surprised by this pool, very clean and well implemented, it is a great pleasure to come and see that our well-managed taxes bear good fruit.
Cesar Pan: water everywhere
Raphael Sierra Calsina: A little cold, but excellent in the end
Sixto Alfredo Azabache Castro: Cozy pool for all ages
Daniel Pacha: Clean
Sanda express: Lack of maintenance

4. Peru Baby Lama Adventures - Arequipa

路 44 reviews

Portal de San Agust铆n 135, Arequipa 04001, Peru

Address Website WhatsApp
Peru Baby Lama Adventures: what do users think?
J茅r茅my Collet: Nous avons 茅t茅 guid茅 par Nelson pour descendre le canyon de Colca et visiter les villages en haut du canyon. Super guide ! Il prend le temps de nous raconter son histoire et celle des endroits que nous visitons, et avec beaucoup d'humour!Je recommande fortement ce guide !
Piotr Nosek: Very chaotic, the stops are only for you to buy some stuff and pay for something. The zipline is really bad, not worth the money. They ask you to switch places in the bus because other people come and they need your seat. I wouldn't recommend it.
Giovanni Baldovino: muy adecuados para el grupo y las distancias recoridas.Todo muy recomendable. Tomamos estos serviciosentre el 30 de diciembre 2022 al 02 de enero del 2023.(Translated by Google
Flor Mamani: They delete the real reviews, be very careful with them, they hide their bad service and high prices compared to those offered by other agencies, my family and I had a terrible time even when we made the claim, the manager treated us in a rude and arrogant way, They didn't give a ticket either, just a simple ticket.
Ana Bel茅n Ramos: y porque estuvieran mejor los que estaban mal.2. Ca帽贸n del Colca: solo contratamos el transporte (de Arequipa al inicio del trekking, en San Miguel, que lo hicimos por libre
Chris G: I did the Colca Trekking 2D1N. I actually booked through a different agency but they tend to swap guests aroundThe tour was about as excellent as I could expect. Food was delicious and plentiful, the guide Eddie was amazing, and the transport was nice. The accommodation was basic but this was stated in advance.Be warned, the trek is fairly short, but very demanding. If you are not very fit you might want to consider a non trekking tour!
Jaco Evers: Professionele en meedenkende organisatie. Tijdens de heenweg naar de Colca Canyon kreeg mijn vriendin erg last van hoogteziekte. Zodanig dat we moesten besluiten de trektocht van 3 dagen af te blazen en terug te gaan. De gids van de heenweg regelde dat we met een bus mee terug konden. Tijdens deze bus werd de hoogteziekte erger, maar door professionele, goede zorg van de tweede gids kwamen we goed aan in Arequipa. De volgende dag besloten we langs het reisbureau te gaan en hebben we een compensatie gekregen, erg netjes! 2 dagen later via Peru Baby Lama nog een rafting trip gedaan. Was erg leuk! Aanrader.
Byron Arriola: .2. Trabajan con la peor compa帽铆a de viajes que he conocido "Phaway Viajes". Tener mucho cuidado con los estafadores de Phaway.3. La gu铆a del Tour de la campi帽a (Sharon
13titorobert: We had the bus to ourselves, the guide Lizandro was very nice and we learned a lot with him.
Tom Ammerer: We booked the 2 Day Colca Canyon Tour and a Bus from Arequipa to Puno. Everything was fine. But there is room for improvement regarding the Colca Canyon hostel, the rooms there a really bad. Thanks a lot to Judy for the support. Communication was easy due to her perfect English.
Idara Campos: , yo ya habia ido al tour anteriormente pero con otra empresa en el cual me hab铆an cobrado 25. Lamentablemente tuve que cancelar el full day al Colca pues me lastim茅 la pierna y se me imposilitaba caminar tanto tramo, como a煤n faltaban 24 horas antes del servicio pude cancelarlo pero el trato que dio una de sus trabajadoras fue nefasto pues ellos se dedican a atenci贸n al cliente al menos tienen que cumplir con su funci贸n, yo habia yapeado 140 soles por dos personas y me devolvieron en 3 billetes de 50 en el cual uno de ellos estaba sumamente deteriorado, le ped铆 a la se帽orita que me lo cambiase y solo puso una cara de fastidio e hizo un comentario desatinado para alguien que se dedica a atenci贸n al cliente y luego de eso supuestamente cambio el billete pero me dio el mismo. Comento que son oportunistas pues mientras esperabamos la devoluci贸n del dinero le entr贸 una llamada donde al parecer unos turistas querian tomar la ruta del sillar y entre los trabajadores se pusieron a discutir que precio cobrarles! Yo que soy peruana se aprovecharon no quiero ni imaginar como lo haran con los turistas extranjeros.(Translated by Google
D Sanchez: .El grave es que se supone que nos ven铆an a recoger a la puerta del hotel a las 3 de la madrugada. A las 2:50 recibo una llamada de qui茅n organiza la excursi贸n pidi茅ndome que vaya a la plaza de armas ya que estaba cerca, dije que a esas horas es peligroso, 茅l dijo que no es peligroso y que no pasar铆a nada. Tras insistir me pidi贸 que le mandara la direcci贸n del hotel, cosa que me hizo perder la confianza en esta compa帽铆a, 驴Como puede ser que no sepas la direcci贸n d贸nde tienes que ir a buscar a tus clientes? 驴Y por qu茅 el cliente tiene que estar buscando la direcci贸n y facilitandola si ya la ten铆an? 驴es molestar por molestar?Pero lo grave no es esto, lo grave es que Arequipa es peligrosa a las 3 de la madrugada, preguntando a cualquier persona local te dir谩 eso, no entiendo c贸mo la agencia prefiere poner en peligro la vida de sus clientes por ahorrarse unos minutos para ir a buscar a sus clientes(cosa que est谩 incluida en el precio, por cierto
matan vesirmen: Excellent Evgeny, book with theme bus back and forth to puno, as wall as a day in the islands 馃彎 there and a day in culcon velly, very good prices for all of these things 馃榾 and good English instructors on all of the daily trip with them
讗讘讬讞讬 讗讝讜讘诇: 注砖讬转讬 讚专讻诐 讟专拽 砖诇 讬讜诪讬讬诐 诇拽讜诇拽讛 拽谞讬讜谉. 讗专讙讜谉 讟讜讘 诪讗讜讚, 诇讗 爪讬讬谞讜 砖爪专讬讱 诇拽谞讜转 诪讬诐 诇讻诇 讗讜专讱 讛讟专拽
Chris Tian: We booked a two day tour (2D/1N) to Colca Canyon through Peru Baby Lama Adventures and had two really fantastic days. The guide was very professional, explained a lot and spoke perfect english. The driver was also great so we felt very safe. We can recommend the tour to everyone, because you really see a lot on the trip.Extra tip: It is best to book one of the better hotels (at extra cost). Just ask for it.
Mate Horvath: Friendly and professional staff, Judy was really helpful when we were asking about the possible trips. We went for a 1-day tour to the Colca Canyon, it was flawless and the price was great. Our guide Angel was also very professional and the bus was comfy. Why the 4 stars? The agency booked us for a 1-day trip to the Punaya Geyser, Stone Forrest and Pillones Waterfall. It turned out on departure that the trip was organised by another agency called A BORDO. Avoid then at all costs! The van was uncomfortable, the guide was barely able to speak English - even we booked a tour with EN guide - and there was a lot of delays, almost zero control from the tour guide. So Baby Lama is a great agency, but they should be much more careful when they sell other's trips.
Julio Adrian Guerra Davila: Excellent service, safe transportation, the very funny guide with stories and anecdotes throughout the tour, the delicious buffet and very good service
Elaheh Ordoni: We had a 2-days Colca tour with this agency.The hiking was definitely difficult, specially the first day. It is loooong, all the way going down, and too hot. It was all in rush, no time to enjoy the views!Be prepared for it.The food was definitely not enough, except the last breakfast that was buffet. Our leader Janatan was great.
Jerahmeel Massiel Rodriguez Ancajima: We bought three tours with them! They were good as we expected! They picked us up on time, the guides were prepared to respond any questions and very friendly! We came back on time to the city 馃檶馃徑 The communication with Victor (who sold us the tours) was good and friendly! He solved some doubts we had before the tour! Totally recommended!
Elie Chaaya: D猫s notre arriv茅s 脿 Arequipa, nous sommes tomb茅s sur cette agence et nous avons rencontr茅 Julien et tr猫s frenchement je le recommande j'ai rarement eu un suivi aussi honn锚te et r茅actif !Que 莽a soit sur Arequipa ou Cusco il nous a organis茅 toutes les activit茅s avec des prix tr猫s int茅ressants !Merci 脿 toi Julien
Pedro Ramos: Bad city tour, the guide did not explain anything, he kept looking at his cell phone, they charged admission even for entering a simple house where no volcano was visible, we almost collided with a light pole because of the driver and the high speed with The one I was driving was a bad investment

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