Business in Public university:
1. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa - UNSA - Arequipa
· 180 reviews
51, Santa Catalina 117, Arequipa 04000, Peru
Celu Abbys: Can you update your information? Many people organize our time well measured. Update that they only serve until 3:00 pm. More efficiency in your networks
Abhilashini Ambitious: V good place
Hari B: Great building
Vrushali Gulve: Nice University
Md Hayajuddin: Great University i have ever seen.
abdood 26: Nice college
Rony Nandi: Good
Raphael Sierra Calsina: The best university in southern Peru
Daneyva Antilef: They never answer the phone, what a bad service.
Joha Ll: I love this studio house
Gravis Absoluto: They don't open at 8
Eduardo Bautista: Good facilities since the Perumin 2017 mining convention was held there, it is one of the best fairs in Latin America.
FABRICIO AMEZQUITA QUISPE: I improve a lot with the new university law,High-level facilities and flat...UNSA...
Jesús Ricardo Arana Ortega: Query, do they know where they sell or confess the UNSA uniforms?
Rosa Milagros Manrique Nuñez: 😊
Oscar Esquivel: A great University, with significant progress in all academic aspects, infrastructure, research, innovation and development.
Leonardo Nicolás Julca: It was nice, despite not being a student they let me in to meet, but not everything was available, I think due to vacations or pandemic they didn't explain it to me but very nice place 😸👍
Wilder Sayco: The national university of the south one of the best..
Jorge Andrés Paredes Sierra: Academic excellence, certified by SUNEDU. It occupies important positions in the rankings of the best universities in the country and those that carry out the most research work.
2. Colegio Faraday - Arequipa

· 12 reviews
Calle Sta. Marta, Arequipa 04001, Peru
Maria Bernal: I imagine that the FARADAY Basket Academy that works in Quinta Romaña belongs to this College and I want to give a detail of my experience:My expectations were great when I enrolled my daughter in this academy, but the DISAPPOINTMENT was even greater. It is not a personalized teaching at all, the teacher NEVER makes them warm up or stretch before training, much less at the end, he tells them the exercise ONCE and he will sit where he is on his cell phone or on his computer or talking to someone, NEVER he corrects them, the children do wrong and therefore they learn everything wrong, he made them play games every Friday and he NEVER talked to them about the fundamentals of basketball or the rules, according to the teacher he applies the technique of "discovery" ¿?? ?? I still can't figure out what a child can discover if everyone plays badly, commits fouls and no one corrects them???? And finally, he always finished 20 minutes before to talk to them about nonsense, INCREDIBLE!!! Currently my daughter trains at the IPD, whose classes are free, I did not pay anything, however there is a real coach who never sits down and is attentive to each child, correcting them so that they can advance, makes them play and is like a referee pending any fault to correct, they do agility exercises, really the difference is abysmal. I feel like I gave my money to the FARADAY academy, they charged me 150 soles that I feel was badly invested, and nobody told me, I was in all my daughter's classes and I was an eyewitness of the coach's lack of interest in learning children.
Raphael Sierra Calsina: An excellent pre-university school, central and economically comfortable
Noah Pan: Beautiful basketball court. Made in China. Enlio Sports. WhatsApp/contact information: +8618503270108
Reinaldo Goncalves: excellent environment
Eduardo Rubén Valdivia Collado: gg xd
Nelly Mirian Quispe Coaquira: Mmmmmm mmmmmm
Toledo: it's my school
3. Edeaq - Arequipa
· 1 reviews
C. la Merced 123, Arequipa 04001, Peru
Kim Laura Schönrock: Tolle Schule, mit super Lehrern. Ich war einen Monat hier und konnte mein Spanisch deutlich verbessern. Die Lehrer gehen individuell auf jeden Schüler ein und passen das Tempo des Unterrichts entsprechend an. Außerdem konnte ich die Inhalte des Unterrichts selbst mitbestimmen und so optimal auf meine Bedürfnisse anpassen. Dabei hat mir besonders der Mix aus Grammatik-Übungen und freier Unterhaltung sehr gut gefallen. Außerdem sprechen alle Lehrer neben Spanisch noch zusätzlich Deutsch und/oder Englisch, was das Lernen an der einen oder anderen Stelle ebenfalls erleichtert hat.Arequipa ist zudem eine wirklich schöne Stadt, in der man gut eine längere Zeit verbringen kann.Rundum empfehlenswert! Ich würde jederzeit wieder hier in den Unterricht gehen.
4. Club Deportivo Martin Black Belt - Taekwondo - Arequipa
· 5 reviews
C. San Camilo 309, Arequipa 04001, Peru
Related inquiries Public university:
5. Club De Leones Arequipa - Arequipa
· 10 reviews
C. Rivero 410, Arequipa 04001, Peru
Cinthya Milagros Chirinos torres: Excellent attention
Haydde Diaz Huaman: Still the campaign for the view
Miguel Angel Soberon Yañez: Excellent people united at the service of others optamological care. free mounts
marcela diaz: Give service to your neighbor
Josue Manuel Tapia vilca: I got to bolivar street, it was closed, I called rivera street and they never answered
Lucila Mejia Calle: Whenever I go to the club I leave refreshed since it is gratifying to help
Arca Luz: never come in
Daniel Iván “Daniel” Urrutia Vizcarra: Good place very cozy atmosphere
Juan Carlos: Join the largest non-profit association in the world. Visit their website and find out about the activities in which you can participate.
willian enciso ortega: very good
alberto raul quintana messa: A club to help people in need
6. Colegio Domingo Savio - Cerro Colorado
· 18 reviews
Challapampa - Sta. Sofía 101, Arequipa 04014, Peru
Luciana: It's an excellent school because my boyfriend is there
Augusto Amadeo Prieto Eduardo: Bueno.
Lic. Mariela Rodríguez Fabbri: Muy moderno. Han hecho instalaciones deportivas al frente del colegio. Se ve muy bien realizado.
Cataleya García: Uno de los mejores colegios de Arequipa. Buena arquitectura y excelente educación
JUAN CARLOS PALACIOS: Excellent school, they not only care about education but also about instilling values.
Alexia Sofía PAZ BORJA: excellent school
TRAVEL, IDEAS & WORLD - Viajes, Ideas y Mundo: Excellent school. A pleasant educational family, whose students, teachers, administrative staff and parents make this school one of the best in Arequipa.
Mirella Romero: Mixed school, very good infrastructure according to the needs of the student, provides an excellent education based on Christian values and hand in hand with the comprehensive development of scientific, practical and technological knowledge.
Sebastian Rios: Very good school, an impressive principal who is always there to help students and teachers, has modern and very useful resources for learning, as well as very good quality staff.Atte. a former student
Katia Bustinza: My son studies there and it is a good school